The second EPIG meeting
In October 2018, the EAMBES Policy Affairs Working Group (PAWG) organised the second meeting of the European Parliament Interest Group on BME (EPIG BME), in collaboration with the IFMBE and WHO, and with representatives of the African Community of BMEs. The meeting’s main focus was to discuss with the European Parliament how to create awareness on the following:
- recognise BME as independent profession, including BME as independent discipline in the ESCO database;
- provide an independent space for research in biomedical engineering creating a BME panel in the 3 European schemes for excellent science (e.g., ERC, FET and MSCA);
- establish stable collaboration with Africa Union in order to help them harmonizing their regulations on medical devices and medical locations among different African Courtiers and with the European one, in the best interest of African citizens and also European medical device manufactures (mainly SMEs).
The meeting was very well attended, with 7 MPs participating to the meeting: Nicola Caputo (Italy), Lara Comi (Italy), Neena Gill (UK), Lojze Peterle (Slovenia), Marijana Petir (Croatia), Davor Škrlec (Croatia), Cécile Kyenge (Italy). From the European Commission, Bernd Rainer, DG Research, attended the meeting. The meeting agenda is available here.