What is EAMBES?
The European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES) is a no-profit international organization incorporated according to the Belgian law, that federates most scientific societies and academic and research institutions located in Europe and involved with Biomedical Engineering or as it is more appropriately defined Medical and Biological Engineering and Science. The main objective of EAMBES is to improve the health, wealth, and well being of the citizens of Europe by the application of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science.

Our history
EAMBES was founded in 2003 with the presumption that in an area as wide and fragmented as the Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (MBES), working together and speaking with one voice would have been a great benefit, also due to the considerable fragmentation:
- MBES experts are active in research, education, and healthcare
- there are several national and transnational research societies targeting MBES as a whole or sub-domains of MBES (such as artificial organs, biomaterials, biomechanics)
- MBES professionals are key figures in the European medical technology industry, made of a few large and very many small companies.
EAMBES was born from the need to represent the MBES community and to offer its guidance in the promotion of the MBES field at the European level.
Our Mission
According to our statute, EAMBES aims to:
- Serve and promote MBES at the European and International levels,
- Foster, co-ordinate and provide added value to the activities of member organizations in MBES and collaborating, where appropriate, with national and international organisations, particularly the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE),
- Support and promote MBES education, training and accreditation programmes,
- Support and promote MBES research and development,
- Establish recommendations for the general responsibilities, organizational relationships and roles of those engaged in the field of MBES,
- Establish and maintain liaison with national and European governments and agencies
- Improve intersociety relations and co-operation in Europe within MBES and related fields,
- Encourage and assist in the formation of organizations in MBES where such organizations do not exist,
- Recognize individual and group achievements and contributions to the field of MBES.
Our Members
EAMBES today represents 29 national and 5 transnational scientific societies, as well as 37 academic and research institutions; through its member organisations, approximately 8000 European experts in the domain of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (MBES).
Our Collaborations
CRH-BME project – Curricula Reformation and Harmonisation in the field of Biomedical Engineering
CRH-BME is a Joint Project within the Tempus IV program, involving 17 Institutions from EU and 6 Institutions from Partner Countries. The main objective is to update existing curricula in the field of Biomedical Engineering in order to meet recent and future developments in the area, address new emerging interdisciplinary domains that appear as a result of the R&D progress and respond to the Biomedical Engineering job market demands.
Health First Europe is a non-profit, non-commercial alliance of patients, healthcare workers, academics and healthcare experts and the medical technology industry. They aim to ensure that equitable access to modern, innovative and reliable medical technology and healthcare is regarded as a vital investment in the future of Europe.
Our territory
According to its statute, EAMBES is an International Association, which extends its activities throughout Europe, as defined by the European Region of the World Health Organisation (WHO). The complete list of countries included in this world region are listed here.
EAMBES accepts as members organisations which are incorporated anywhere in the world, but their activities must be limited, by statute, to the European Region.
Last news
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EAMBES present at the VI Forum of WLA
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First EAMBES webinar