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The XLI Annual School 2022 – Biomedical Engineering for Sustainable Development, organised by the Italian Society GNB (Bioengineering National Group), has taken place in Brixen (Italy) & on-line from September 12 until September 15, 2022 and it has been sponsored by EAMBES.

This school aimed to offer students an alternative view and approach to the problems and applications of biomedical engineering, from the perspective of low-middle income countries (LMICs) and rural contexts. Actually, those applications are not limited to LMICs, but...

Recording EAMBES March 29 webinar

If you missed EAMBES March 29 webinar on Practices, Impact and Promises of Biomedical Engineering for advancing the EU’s Health Priorities, we invite you to access the recording at EAMBES YouTube channel:  Playlist with...

In memoriam – Niilo Saranummi 1946-2018

Our colleague and friend Niilo Saranummi passed away in Autumn 2018. Niilo made a great contribution in the field of Biomedical Engineering and ICT for Health in the European level and globally. He made his professional career in the VTT Technical Research Centre of...

IEEE Standards for Medical devices with measuring function

EAMBES Councilor for Regulatory Affairs and Treasurer, Almir Badnjevic, proposed new standards for Medical devices with measuring function. He formed a group of expert who will work in the next few years on new IEEE Standard for medical devices with measuring...

EAMBES part of IV WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices

Members of EAMBES, Almir Badnjevic and Leandro Pecchia, took very active role in organization of Forth WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices which was  held in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India from 13 to 15 December 2018. Our members organized many sections in the...

EAMBES Council 2019

We are pleased to announce the EAMBES  new council as elected on March 11, 2019. Executive Board:  President and Chair of Membership Committee (March 2019 – March 2021) Prof. Timo Jamsa University of Oulu, Finland President Elect and Chair of Policy Affairs WG (March...