Prof. Dr.

Professor of Biomechanics, ETH Zurich, Institute for Biomechanics, Switzerland

Inaugurated for:

his seminal contributions to understanding the biomechanics of the acetabular labrum in the hip joint and the vertebrae-disk interaction in the spine.

Short CV

Stephen Ferguson received his degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto (Canada) in 1991 and was initially active as a consulting engineer in the iron and steelmaking industry. He realigned his perspectives on the use of metal during his studies towards a Masters degree from Queen’s University (Canada) in 1994, with a focus on metallic and non-metallic implants for fracture fixation. His doctoral research on soft tissue mechanics and hip joint tribology was completed as a collaborative project between Queen’s University and the AO Research Institute in Davos. Following his PhD degree in 2000, he moved to the University of Bern where he lead the Biomechanics Division of the Institute for Surgical Technology and Biomechanics and was Co-Director of the ARTORG Spine Research Center. In 2011 he promoted to a full professorship at the Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zurich. The focus of his group’s research is to improve our understanding of the causes of musculokeletal disorders and to develop new treatment methods by combining knowledge from biomechanics, biomaterials and mechanobiology. He is the author of over 175 scientific papers, 7 book chapters and 4 patent applications. He lectures on tissue biomechanics, spinal health and medical device design.