VPH Institute 2012 General Assembly
Start September 17, 2012
End September 17, 2012
Venue address
Venue Details
Venue country Maisey Seminar Room, The Rayne Institute 3rd Floor, Lambeth Wing St Thomas' Hospital London SE1 7EH

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Sep 17, 2012, London

Institute will hold its second General Assembly in London in the afternoon of the 17th of September from 13.30 to 18.30pm, the day before the beginning of the VPH 2012 conference organized by the VPH Network of Excellence.

The meeting will be an open door event, so anyone interested to get more information on the Institute and the activities undertaken during the first year is welcome to attend. For organisational reason registration is mandatory but free of charge. Send you request to [email protected]

A draft agenda of the meeting will be circulated shortly. We look forward to seeing you there.

Useful information:
Map of St Thomas’ Hospital and campus:


Directions: From Waterloo, follow the exit signs for the South Bank (Exit 6) and walk towards the London Eye (there is a pedestrian overpass). Cross over Westminster Bridge Road.

Turn left at the main reception desk and follow the signs for the Lambeth Wing, ie. follow the corridor until you reach the three Lambeth Wing front lifts just before Toms 2 (a coffee shop).

Contact person
Contact mail