Market Access for Medical Devices
Start June 25, 2013
End June 25, 2013
Venue address
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Venue country Bürgerhaus, Garching / Munich

This work EAMBES - European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science is licensed under the Creative Commons License Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported .

June 25, 2013; Munich

Medical devices play an essential role in healthcare. Especially, the ability for innovation of the business sector contribute significantly to enhance the quality and efficacy of healthcare. The current revisions of the medical device directives may affect innovation and competitiveness of this sector as well as market access within the European Economic Area in general.

The efficient realisation of innovations requires, more than ever before, networking throughout professional disciplines and collaboration with appropriate partners.

Accompanying the International Partnering Event for MedTech & Pharma the Workshop will give an overview on European regulation for certification and conformity assessment procedures. It will focus in particular on outsourcing and supplier manufacturer relations.

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