
EAMBES is open for collaborations in the field of biomedical engineering and biomedical engineering education and policy issues to improve biomedical engineering research, profession, and industry in Europe towards better healthcare and health of Europeans.

For example, EAMBES is interested in participating in EU proposals with BME policy issues, BME educational aim and with BME related dissemination activities including using EAMBES network of 8000 BME professionals in Europe and our web page.

Established Collaborations

PandeVITA H2020 Project

EAMBES is a partner in the H2020 project PandeVITA: Pandemic Virus Trace Application for the Effective Knowledge Transfer Between Science and Society Inside the Quadruple Helix Collaboration (contract no. 101006316). The project is funded under the SwafS H2020 call to address knowledge transfer between science and society inside the quadrupole helix on the European level. Project duration: 1.1.2021-30.6.2023. 

Official EAMBES Journal: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control by Elsevier 

EAMBES has signed a journal affiliation aggreement with Elsevier. Starting January 2021, the Elsevier journal Biomedical Signal Processing and Control is the official EAMBES journal. EAMBES welcome address is presented in the article: 

 T. Jamsa, What is EAMBES, Biomedical Signal Processing & Control, vol. 66, 102413, April 2021,

CRH-BME project – Curricula Reformation and Harmonisation in the field of Biomedical Engineering

CRH-BME is a Joint Project within the Tempus IV program, involving 17 Institutions from EU and 6 Institutions from Partner Countries. The main objective is to update existing curricula in the field of Biomedical Engineering in order to meet recent and future developments in the area, address new emerging interdisciplinary domains that appear as a result of the R&D progress and respond to the Biomedical Engineering job market demands.

Health First Europe

Health First Europe is a non-profit, non-commercial alliance of patients, healthcare workers, academics and healthcare experts and the medical technology industry. They aim to ensure that equitable access to modern, innovative and reliable medical technology and healthcare is regarded as a vital investment in the future of Europe.