Second WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices: “Priority Medical Devices for Universal Health Coverage”
Start November 22, 2013
End November 24, 2013
Venue address
Venue Details
Venue country Geneva, Switzerland

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22-24 November 2013, Geneva, Switzerland


The Second Global Forum on Medical Devices will provide the global public health community with a forum for information exchange and collaboration to increase access to high-quality, safe, and appropriate priority medical devices. This will impact the continuum of care ranging from screening to diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation under the Universal Health Coverage Strategy. The conference will allow end users and stakeholders from academia, international organizations, industry, and NGOs to share their experiences and challenges in providing access to medical devices.

To define methods of increasing access to priority medical devices under the Universal Health Coverage initiative.
To share evidence on best practices in health technology assessment, management and regulation of medical devices.
To demonstrate the development and use of appropriate and innovative technologies that respond to global health priorities.
To present the outcomes of the implementation of the World Health Assembly resolution on health technologies (WHA60.29) and the status of actions resulting from the First Global Forum on Medical Devices.
The Forum will consist of meetings, workshops, poster presentations, plenary sessions and parallel sessions. It will also include sessions co-organized by international non-governmental organizations. Students, professionals, policymakers, and academics are encouraged to attend.
Interested parties may submit abstracts in one or more of these topic areas
For information on abstract submission and registration please click here
For information on the venue and hotels please click here
The Global Forum will immediately follow the Equip’aid Conference (19-20 November 2013, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France just one hour from Geneva) which will be devoted to the improvement of support projects for healthcare facilities in the field of international aid.

The adoption of the first resolution on health technologies in May 2007 by the World Health Assembly (WHA 60.29 )set the framework for an unprecedented focus on health technologies. Medical devices involve those health technologies that are critical to delivery within health systems. However, attention to issues of equity, quality and access is insufficient, and often the most essential medical devices are not available.
The 1st Global Forum on Medical Devices took place in Bangkok in September 2010, with participants coming from 107 Member States. The event raised awareness and served as a forum to share ideas on how to increase access to safe and effective medical devices. Now, 3 years later, advances and challenges since 2010 can be shared. The Second Global Forum, organized by the World Health Organization, will be a forum to share best practices, challenges and updates on progress in assessment, development, management and regulations since the First Global Forum in Bangkok in 2010. The Forum will also address the development of lists of medical devices by clinical intervention and disseminate information about innovative, appropriate, and affordable devices for low-resource settings in accordance with the WHA 60.29 resolution.

Submission Deadline: 15 September 2013
Acceptance Notification: 30 September 2013

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