Start September 9, 2014
End September 12, 2014
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Venue country Trondheim - Norway

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Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014

This biannual conference series grew out of the successful FP7 Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence. It has become one of the major instruments for maintaining the coherence and momentum of the highly multidisciplinary VPH community.

The VPH mission is driven by the conviction that if we are to succeed in developing a real predictive, preventive and participatory medicine envisioned by so many, there is no substitute for building much stronger transdisciplinary ties between the life sciences, the mathematical sciences and engineering throughout the whole spectrum of basic, translational and applied research.

On January 14 this year the European Parliament urged the Commission and the Member States to continue to support innovative solutions for person-centred care, and the VPH initiative was specifically endorsed in this connection. This may open for several exciting opportunities for the VPH community in the years to come. VPH2014 is thus arguably one of the most important European conferences to attend this year if you want to take advantage of the opportunity window the EU Parliament has opened for us.

The Publishing Editor of Interface Focus, Tim Holt, has invited the submission of a proposal for an Interface Focus Theme Issue titled "The Quantitative Human Physiome – a necessary key to the creative destruction of medicine". The Theme Issue will be developed from a selected set of VPH2014 oral and poster presentations. If you have a particular interest in contributing to this Theme Issue and want to see the preliminary proposal leading to this invitation from Tim Holt, please send an email to [email protected].

Please note that on September 9 there will be a satellite symposium in conjunction with the conference that addresses to which degree computational physiology in the broad sense may become an unprecedented guide for identifying which new phenotypic data (and thus which new phenotyping technologies) should be selected in the context of biobanks and large population-based studies, and how such data may become transformative for the development of a Quantitative Human Physiome.

NB! NB! New deadlines!

Abstracts submitted as oral presentations: June 15
Abstracts submitted as poster presentations: July 15

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