BioRG, short for Biomedical Research Group at Lusofona University, is dedicated to exploring human health and disease complexities. We aim to translate our findings into practical diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Our multidisciplinary team is deeply engaged in understanding the underlying mechanisms of health, with a focus on academic research. We also collaborate with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and corporations on industrial research and development projects. Our research focuses on areas like bioactive compounds, neuroimaging and reverse translational medicine, and the integration of sensors and artificial intelligence in biomedicine. This involves the study of novel biocompounds through spectroscopy and machine learning, as well as developing radiomics-oriented techniques for medical evaluation. Furthermore, we provide access to our facilities, equipment, and expertise through external collaborations and design tools based on sensors and AI for improved clinical diagnostics and prognosis. BioRG represents a fusion of various scientific fields, merging spectroscopy, neuroimaging, sensors, and artificial intelligence to address challenges in biomedicine.